Sunday, April 26, 2009

It's My Birthday!

Yep, I turned 23 and my dear roomie Amanda Bluth took me out for breakfast, YUM!

Turns out I have lots of people who love me, contrary to popular belief...I know that there isn't anyone else in this photo with me...but they were at the party I promise...
(and yes, that is a burning napkin wrapped around a caprisun straw...we're poor college students, what do you want!

Last stop was my ex-roommate, Ashley's, wedding and reception...busy day, but it was great. :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yeah Right Sam.... when people go to a birthday party They Get In the picture!!! You don't have to lie... so the waitress took your picture... was it even your real birthday???? Silly girl... well, I still love you even if you can't muster up a picture full of friends :o) mwah!!!