Monday, November 24, 2008

Lazy Time in Puerto Penasco

I love Mexico! Especially visiting Abuelita, Fabiola, and their family! They live in Puerto Penasco, and my last visit was for a beautiful 4 days! Yes, I skipped school and work, but it was so worth it to relax and visit. I'll be honest, I slept a lot! BUT we did go to the beach, eat lots of delicious food, practiced our spanish (though I did terrible), of course we went shopping, watched a few street soccer games (they were intense), and played games & chilled with the family we stayed with!

ya...I didn't pose for this's the real deal

Sunday dinner on the grill.

Sterling helping me read the BOM in did we get those double chins? We need to lay off the helado y tortillas if you know what I mean!

Playing bingo with Fabi and Abuelita.